just to tell u the untold ones..

Archive for July, 2013


Cuma mo bilang.. Kadang, crumbling ttg overload kerjaan atau kesibukan itu perlu. Biar org ga numpuk2in kerjaan dengan amat semena mena. Demikian. Terima kasih..

Malas yg Diatas Rata-Rata

Ini rabu 31 juli 13, besok kamis lusa jumat. Abis itu cuti 2 minggu. Masuk lagi tgl 19.
Cocok kan kalo kemarin dan hari ini aku terserang kemalasan yg overratedddd…?
Pagi ini cuman review MoM, print checklist dokumen2 kacrut ama cari data raw well test aja. Abis itu kok ni otak kagak mau diajak kompromi yaa?
Si Mami Seram padahal uda gigi satu aja bawaan dari pagi.. Nge-bleyer2 ama sekertarisnya. Yang duduknya seblah cubicleku. Dan reflekku malah ambil hetset puter lagu. Santaaiii.. *Atau ndableg? Wallahualam.. :p
Aiihh.. Hari2 deket cuti gini emang bawaan uda ga efektif yaa. Tapi dokumen masih numpuk 😦
Semoga aku segera diberi hidayah untuk segera eksekusi menghabisi tumpukan itu. Admin mode is.. Hopefully ON soon.. 😀

*ditulis di jam kantor disaat yg lain sibuk
*standing applause pleaseeee..

Stop Shit where U Eat

Susah kali ya buat nahan untuk complaining ini itu ttg perusahaan.. Tapi at least ya ga ke public media dan terus menerus juga kaliii.. Bosennn. Nengok Path isinya org crumbling kerjaan lah, temen kerja lah, lokasi kerja lah. Begitu juga FB dan Twitter. Betapaa.. Keluar aja dong kl ngerasa ga suka. Dikira hidup d media cmn sendiri apa yaa.. Yg baca juga jemu kali.. Banyak kok yg senasib, tp mereka bisa menemukan tempat dan waktu yg tepat utk sharing.. Plis mind ur self, eat on your own shitty plate??

Susah sih.. 😦 hee

Keeping Positive. Mm.. I mean, trying. On positive!

Ghibah is not a good thing to do and everyone knows it. But they (or we?) like it as well too. Theres always a public enemy. In office, this person usually is… Our own boss! Almost everyone (i said almost ya, not every every banget loh), have a terrible story about their boss. It makes me think. Actually, what we need from a boss sih? Do we need a boss who let us do whatever we do? Do we need a boss who pay all our lunch bills freely? Or do we need a boss who oke oke aja approve everything we propose without any correction? Do we really need ‘this’ kinda boss?
No i think so.. If they really do all the questions above.. We better fired them lah ya. Mubadzir company pays them with a big bunch of money each month kan?
So.. i surrender with my very own opinion. If theyre a boss, so its normal for them to act bossy. Like a manager, its their right to manage us. Trust them.. Or rushed them *teteeep*

Why WordPress-ing again?

By the last curhat2 colongan in each meet Mrs. Yoyo a.k.a Mrs Qie2, i remind my self to keep blogging here. Strange ya ngeliat blog sendiri melompong. Then i re-install my tab with WP and wrote in it. After all feels like forever ini.. Hehehee..

Old time sake..

I met om Al and Kang Izur this morning. Lil chat and discussion about Ketaling Barat, Ogan, TTB or even talang jimar with them dragged me into the past we shared together when we worked in a team. What a nice memorizing time.. I missed this part of my past. A time in my past, when an engineer is an engineer. Oops!
Well, let the past be the past and take the lesson to live our present. 
Long road ahead. And there will be manything we missed for, even the hardest one.
Take a deep breath and lets moving on.. Let the story on.. 🙂